<JATS-Con> 2012

The Front Matters: Capturing Journal Front Matter with JATS


, MLS,1 , MLIS,2 and , MLScorresponding author3.


corresponding authorCorresponding author.

PMC strives to be a comprehensive archive of biomedical journals. However, JATS currently provides no way to capture journal and issue specific front matter content, such as editorial boards, journal philosophy, submission instructions, etc. Our team developed an extension to the current Tag Suite, the pmcjournalmatter.dtd, that captures these journal artifacts. In mapping multiple publishing models, we found that front matter exists in two basic forms: issue and standing. Our DTD aims to be flexible enough to accommodate a variety of user needs. It allows the users to update different elements of front matter without the burden of updating all elements by offering separate document types. The document types include: author information, cover, editorial board, publisher information, and general information. In order to encapsulate front matter content, we introduced new elements that work in conjunction with JATS.

This paper will explore the need for a front matter specific JATS extension, the limitations of the article model to represent this type of information, our process for the data mapping and the rationale for subsequent development of new elements, and future implementation.


For over ten years, PMC has sought to archive journal articles in a way that supports research in the biomedical community and the preservation of this content for future use. As noted in Preservation Strategies for Digital Libraries, “the purpose of preserving things is to enable access to them at some unspecified date in the future, very probably for purposes not anticipated by the creators” (). Since the growth of digital publishing and archiving, there has been a conversation within the academic and library communities regarding what is being digitally preserved as well as what should be (; ). Dr. Marcum writes “decisions must be made about what will actually be saved for future use…Will the content consist only of articles in a journal, or will it also include front matter (such as the names of the members of the journal’s editorial board)?”. Acknowledging this question, the National Library of Medicine requested that PMC investigate options for supporting the archiving and preservation of non-article content. Within the scope of PMC, we focused on front matter as the most significant part of non-article content as it helps define the historical context of the journal () and provides a more complete overall picture of a journal’s publication.

When the NLM DTD was first developed, its initial purpose was exclusively to capture article content. In 2001, PMC staff created the issue-admin.dtd, made available to publishers who expressed an interest in submitting additional material such as journal covers to the PMC archive. While still used today, the issue-admin.dtd is based on the pmc-1.dtd, a model that is no longer used. In addition, it only provides broad categories that do not give the user the means to tag front matter in a meaningful way. The pmc-journalmatter.dtd is an extension to the more current version of the PMC tagging suite and seeks to offer semantic specificity in tagging. Although used interchangeably with “front matter”, we used “journal matter” in the naming of the DTD to reflect the current publishing environment where more and more journals are published online without a traditional “front”.

As recently as 2011, the publisher Atypon developed its own extension to JATs that specifically addresses the need to capture the table of contents (). Atypon’s Issue XML is designed to build functional tables of contents from a store of articles. Approaching the creation of a new DTD specific to PMC’s needs, we envisioned a broader and different scope for the project. Our goal was to capture front matter as content, in the environment in which it was published, even if it exists outside of an issue.

Aside from Atypon’s Issue XML, there was no existing issue level extension of JATS to capture front matter material, such as editorial boards and journal philosophies. We did not want to capture these elements using the existing JATs article model because, simply put, this content is not an article. While the existing JATS model is flexible, there are limitations that would restrict the user’s ability to capture non-article content. For example, there is no meaningful way to capture editorial boards or to tag journal metadata at a level higher than <article-meta>. Consequently we needed to create elements and attributes to reflect front matter content accurately.


After receiving the initiative from the NLM, we determined that looking at physical and electronic examples of journal front matter was the best first step (see Appendix I). Making note of the common components present in our sampling, we created a list of several different content types that compose front matter. Appreciating that there are a variety of pieces that could comprise front matter, and that many journals have different approaches in their publishing models, we defined the following content types: cover, editorial board, publisher information, information for authors and general journal information. During our development of these content types, it became apparent that we needed to allow for the distinction between content that is associated with a specific issue (e.g., PLoS ONE, Volume 7, Issue 9) and content that is not (i.e., a continuous publication model, e.g., Frontiers in Cancer Genetics); this challenge will be discussed in the following section.

The next step was to begin to define the different elements that would be present for each particular content type. We generated sample documents of how we anticipated each content type would be tagged (see Appendix II). Working with the existing article model, we used the JATs DTD as a framework for our model while determining occasions where new elements would need to be created, eliminated or restricted. Based on those examples, we were able to see where non-article content diverged from article content and what new elements would need to be created as an extension of JATS. We then defined these new elements, and decided where they would exist in our model. Combining these new elements with the applicable elements from JATS, we began developing the first iteration of the PMC Journal Matter DTD.

Once the syntax of the DTD was established, our next step was to address our goal of creating a flexible DTD while defining what would be of importance to the PMC archive. For this reason, our content types are merely suggestions and not required. Consequently, valid XML could be created without a content type specified. This allows for adaptability for multiple publishing models and usage outside of PMC.

In order to test the DTD, we then tagged actual content from our original journal samples. After making some minor adjustments, we generated tagging guidelines and documentation pertaining to the project. We then asked PMC journal managers to assess the DTD by tagging front matter samples. Along with the documentation, they were provided with both issue and non-issue samples, from multiple publishers, that covered a variety of content types. Final adjustments to the DTD and documentation were made based on the user feedback.


We faced two primary challenges while working on the creation of this DTD. The first was how to generate a foundation for organizing and labeling the front matter content. The second was answering the question of can we tag all of this content in one document? In the end, these challenges were resolved by creating attributes for the root element.

We first determined that issue and non-issue material must be captured and labeled separately because there are instances of front matter content that are not published in an issue. For example, BMC Cancer publishes articles individually, on a rolling basis, and without any issue information specified; yet, they still maintain information that would go in the front of an issue, such as an editorial board. Consequently, of the two attributes on the root element, <journalmatter>, the first is @journalmatter-type, which can either be “issue” or “standing”. This attribute also prevents a hybrid of issue and non-issue content in the same XML document so content that changes in each issue can be more easily updated.

The second attribute on our root element, @content-type, allows the user to categorize the nature of the material being captured. The primary goal behind separate documents for each content type is for flexibility in use and rendering. Some pieces of a journal’s front matter change more frequently than others. For example, a journal’s editorial board may change annually, whereas a journal’s philosophy is more likely to remain the same over several years. Our model allows publishers to update specific documents as they change, rather than resubmitting all front matter content. It also permits a user to more easily tag or render the content in a way that best suits their needs, whether it is a single section of front matter, or all of it. As an example, one could quickly render all the past editorial boards on a single page; or choose to display a combination of content types, such as cover and publisher information, together. Alternately, the user could choose to capture all of the front matter in one document if that is what best suited his or her needs.

Discussion of DTD

The PMC Front Matter DTD calls upon two files from JATS, journalpubcustom-modules.ent and modules.ent, and also consists of two custom files created specifically for the project: pmcjournalmatter.dtd and pmcjournalmattercustom.ent.

The Root Element

To begin tagging a document you must first define the root element attributes. The root element on the DTD is <journalmatter> with two attributes required: @journalmatter-type and @content-type. Below is an example of the root element on an issue-based, editorial board document:

<journalmatter journalmatter-type="issue" content-type="edboard">


Journal Matter Type

The first attribute you must select is the @journalmatter-type: issue or standing. The issue attribute should be used for materials that are published in an issue. The standing attribute should be used for non-issue based materials that are not published in an issue, but are static, such as information published on a website. You cannot have both “issue” and “standing” in a single XML document. Depending on the content being tagged, it is possible for a single journal to tag some material as standing and some as issue. For example, a journal’s submission instructions may be submitted as “standing” since it is unlikely to change frequently over time; whereas a cover will presumably change with each issue.

Content Type

The second attribute on our root element, @content-type, allows for six different possible values:

  • Cover (“cover”): can include cover image, caption, and cover image copyright information.
  • Editorial Board (“edboard“): can include executive editors, associate editors, etc. as well as general editorial board members.
  • General Journal Information (“general-info”): can include but is not limited to journal mission statement, scope, journal contact information, subscription information, copyright, and other journal-specific content.
  • Publisher Information (“publisher”): can include publisher philosophy, other journals published, contact information, etc.
  • Information for Authors (“info-for-authors”): can include article submission and formatting instructions.
  • Other (“other”): if the document is not one of the listed types or the type of document cannot be determined, the “other” attribute value may be used.

These content types were developed to be physically and conceptually manageable for the user, both in terms of length of the document and the content it may contain. As previously mentioned, they also offer the user flexibility in updating different facets of the front matter asynchronously.


The Four Main Elements of a Document

According to the pmc-journalmatter.dtd, front matter documents are comprised of four main elements: <journal-meta>, <issue-meta>, <document-meta> and <body>. <issue-meta> is the only element that is optional because it would only exist in a document that contains issue-based materials.

Journal Meta

<journal-meta> is comprised of elements that come from the journal-meta model in JATS. We wanted to maintain consistency with the article model because our DTD is an extension to the JATS model, and because at this level of metadata, <journal-meta> would include the same elements for both an article and journal front matter. Below is an example of how a user may tag journal metadata in the pmc-journalmatter.dtd:

<!ELEMENT journalmatter (journal-meta, issue-meta?, document-meta, body)>


Below is an example of how a user may tag journal metadata in the pmcjournalmatter.dtd :

      <journal-title>Indian Journal of Microbiology</journal-title>
      <journal-subtitle>The Official Publication of the Association of 
      Microbiologists of India</journal-subtitle>
  <issn pub-type="ppub">0046-8991</issn>
  <issn pub-type="epub">0973-7715</issn>


Our journal-meta-model is defined as:

<!ENTITY % journal-meta-model  
      "(journal-id*, journal-title-group*, issn*, isbn*, publisher*)">


Issue Meta

<issue-meta> is a new element we devised in order to capture the issue-specific metadata. It is only to be used in documents with a @journalmatter-type of “issue”. The example below shows an expanded instance of an issue’s metadata:

    <pub-date pub-type="ppub">
    <issue-title>New Approaches to Understanding Organogenesis</issue-title>
    <issue-sponsor>Society of Organogenesis Research</issue-sponsor>


None of the above elements inside of <issue-meta> are required but can be selected based on the details of the issue. If an issue has both a print and an electronic publication date, both can be captured. This is a reflection of the <article-meta> element in JATS.

<!ENTITY % issue-meta-model  
      "(pub-date*, volume?, issue?, issue-id*, issue-title*, issue-sponsor*)">


Document Meta

<document-meta> contains many of the elements included in the JATS article-meta model that are not issue specific. Elements pertaining to the document’s copyright and licensing would be included here:

    <document-title>Editorial Information</document-title>
        <copyright-statement>© 2010 Association of Microbiologists of
        <copyright-holder>Association of Microbiologists of India</copyright-holder>


Our document meta model is defined as follows:

<!ENTITY % document-meta-model
      "((document-title, document-subtitle?)?, contrib-group?, pub-date*, 
      (((fpage, lpage?, page-range?) | elocation-id)?), self-uri*, permissions?)" >



<body>, the final element of a document, in many ways mirrors the JATS article model in that most front matter content can be tagged using a basic heading and paragraph structure.

    <sec sec-type="aims-and-scope">
        <p>BMC Bioinformatics is an Open Access, peer-reviewed journal that 
            considers articles on all aspects of the development, testing and novel application
            of computational and statistical methods for the modeling and analysis of all kinds 
            of biological data, as well as other areas of computational biology.</p>
        <title>Criteria for publication</title>
        <p>Publication of research articles by BMC Bioinformatics is dependent 
            primarily on their validity and coherence, as judged by peer reviewers, who are also
            asked whether the writing is comprehensible and how interesting they consider the
            articleto be. If an article is of broad interest, the authors may be asked if they
            would prefer it to be published in BMC Biology, and the article may be highlighted 
            in a variety of ways as a service to our readers and contributors.</p>


Person Lists

The exception to the paragraph structure outlined above is lists of people for which we created a new element: <person-list>. It is a container element used for lists of person(s), such as editors, reviewers, etc., contained within document content. For groups of persons in a citation or reference list the established JATS use of <person-group> still applies.

Please see the following for an example of the use of <person-list>:

       <person-list person-list-type="editor">
               <institution>Department of Zoology
               University of Delhi</institution>
               <addr-line>Delhi-110007,</addr-line> <country>India</country>
       <p>Correspondence related to publication, permission, and any other matters 
           concerning IJM including inquiries regarding the back volumes should be addressed to 
           the Editor-in-Chief. </p>


A document may have multiple person-lists depending on how the editorial board is structured. In order to differentiate between the different types of editors and make the content meaningful, we generated a list of suggested values for a person list. Therefore, when tagging a document with the @content-type of “edboard”, the following are suggested as @types for <person-list>:

  • advisory-board: A board appointed to advise the editorial board
  • editor: Content editors
  • editorial-board: A group of editors on a publication
  • guest-editor: Content editors that have been invited to edit all or part of a work
  • reviewer: Content reviewer
  • transed: Editors of a translated version of a work


Section Types

@sec-type is not a required or controlled attribute. However, when “general-info” is the @content-type of the document, the following is a suggested list of types:

  • association
  • copyright
  • journal-contact
  • journal-philosophy
  • subscription-info

These suggested @sec-types reflect the more standard classifications of front matter we found during the process of modeling our samples. Similar to JATS, this attribute captures semantic information when the section type is explicitly defined in the source documents. Although designed to accept any text as its value, for best practice, this attribute should be used only if the section is one of the types listed. As noted in , this is a way to provide information classing to structural sections, for searching and grouping purposes.


DTD Documentation

The  documentation outlines the general details of the project and provides examples of tagged documents, the public identifier, and the DOCTYPE declaration. Additionally it links to the tag library where information relating to each specific element can be found. For the purpose of consistency, much of the language used in the tag library is taken directly from the .

Limitations and Looking Forward

While reviewing the process of creating this DTD, and the final outcome of the project, we noted some limitations. In part this may be due to a lack of an existing model to capture journal front matter beyond the table of contents (). The pmc-journalmatter.dtd was based on the JATS article-model, our own data modeling, and the perceived needs of PMC based on our experiences working at NCBI. As a result, we view this DTD as a work-in-progress and as a means of starting the conversation on how best to capture this material to suit the needs of users both inside our organization and in the broader publishing community.

Additionally, we found that there is not necessarily a standard structure of front matter that is universal across the journal publishing industry. Different naming conventions are used to label different sections with similar content. In other cases, front matter sections may be organized and displayed in ways that are unique to a specific publication. Also some publications chose to include content that others omit. As such, we created content types to attempt to account for these variations and to create a consistent and meaningful framework for tagging this material. We recognize that these content types may not all be applicable for future adaptations of the DTD or the specific needs of different publications.

Finally, since its creation, we have not the opportunity to render or initiate usage of the DTD. As a result, there are still limitations that will likely arise that we have not accounted for at this time. Looking forward, we hope to work with publishers interested in preserving front matter and making it accessible to PMC users.


The authors of this paper would like to thank Breena Krick and Jeff Beck for their instrumental contributions during the development of this DTD.

This research was supported [in part] by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Library of Medicine.


  1. Andrew N.. The Oxford Journals Online Archives: The Purpose and Practicalities of a Major Digitization Program. Serials Review. (2006June). 32(12), 78-80.
  2. Holdsworth David. Preservation Strategies for Digital Libraries. Glasgow, UK: HATII, University of Glasgow; DCC Digital Curation Manual. (2007November). Retrieved from: http://www .dcc.ac.uk /resource/curation-manual /chapters/preservation-strategies-digital-libraries .
  3. Marcum D. Scholars as Partners in Digital Preservation. CLIR Issues. (2001March/April) 20. Retrieved from: http://www .clir.org/pubs /issues/issues20.html.
  4. Markantonatos N. Article vs Issue XML: Capturing the Table of Contents under the NLM DTD. Bethesda, MD:National Center for Biotechnology Information; Journal Article Tag Suite Conference (JATS-Con) Proceedings 2011. (2011). Retrieved from: http://www .ncbi.nlm.nih .gov/books/NBK57236/..
  5. Wheeler B. Journal Identity in the Digital Age. Journal of Scholarly Publishing. (2010) 42(1), 45-88.
  6. NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite. Retrieved from: http://dtd .nlm.nih.gov/.
  7. PMC Journal Matter DTD Documentation. Retrieved from: http://dtd .nlm.nih.gov /ncbi/pmc/journalmatter/.
  8. BMC Cancer. Retrieved from: http://www .biomedcentral.com/bmccancer/.
  9. Frontiers in Cancer Genetics. Retrieved from: http://www .frontiersin .org/cancer_genetics.

Appendix I – Photocopy of Highlighted Front Matter

Appendix II – Initial Framework of a Sample Tagged Document

Anything in BOLD is required

<journal-meta> contains, in order:

  • <journal-id>*
  • <journal-title-group>
  • <issn>*
  • <isbn>*
  • <publisher>?


<issue-meta> contains, in order:

  • <pub-date>*
  • <volume>?
  • <issue>?
  • <issue-title>*
  • <issue-sponsor>*
  • <first-page><last-page>?<page-range>? OR <elocation-id>?


<document-meta> contains, in order:

  • <pub-date>*
  • <document-title>
  • <self-uri>*


<body> contains, in order:

  • <person-list> requires one or more <person>
  • <person> contains, in order:

    • <name> OR <string-name> OR <collab>
    • <degrees>*
    • <address>*
    • <aff>*
    • <role>*
    • <ext-link>*
    • <xref>*


Appendix III – DTD and ENT Files

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE:    Journal Matter DTD                                -->
<!--  VERSION:   1.0                                               -->
<!--  VERSION DATE:      September 7, 2012                         -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
<!--                        TYPICAL INVOCATION                     -->
"-//NCBI//PMC JOURNAL MATTER DTD v1.0 20120907//EN"
     Delivered as file "pmc-journalmatter.dtd"                        -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- SYSTEM:     Journal Publishing DTD of the                     -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite               -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- PURPOSE:    DTD for creation of new journal articles          -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             This subset of the Journal Archiving and          -->
<!--             Interchange DTD is optimized for the authoring    -->
<!--             (or initial XML tagging) of journal articles and  -->
<!--             some non-article material such as product and     -->
<!--             book reviews. It describes both the metadata for  -->
<!--             a journal article and the full content of the     -->
<!--             article.                                          -->
<!--             This DTD was constructed using the modules in the -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite.              -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CONTAINS:   1) Declare and invoke the Publishing (Blue) DTD-  -->
<!--                specific module of modules, that names  any    -->
<!--                modules created expressly for this DTD.        -->
<!--                             (%journalpubcustom-modules.ent;)  -->
<!--             2) Declare and invoke the DTD Suite module of     -->
<!--                   modules (%modules.ent;), the Archiving and  -->
<!--                   Interchange Suite module that names all the -->
<!--                   Suite modules this DTD might invoke         -->
<!--             3) Invoke DTD-specific classes over-ride module   -->
<!--                             (%journalpub-classes.ent;)        -->
<!--             4) Invoke Suite default classes                   -->
<!--                             (%default-classes.ent;)           -->
<!--             5) Invoke DTD-specific mixes over-ride module     -->
<!--                             (%journalpubcustom-mixes.ent;)    -->
<!--             6) Invoke Suite default mixes                     -->
<!--                             (%default-mixes.ent;)             -->
<!--             7) Invoke DTD-specific content model over-ride    -->
<!--                      module (%journalpubcustom-models.ent;)   -->
<!--             8) Invoke the Common Element Module (from Suite)  -->
<!--             9) Invoke all the Class Modules (from Suite) as   -->
<!--                    well as any DTD-specific element modules   -->
<!--            10) Parameter Entities for attribute values used   -->
<!--                 in this module (DTD-specific definitions)     -->
<!--            11) Define document element (Article <article>)    -->
<!--            12) Define Front Matter <front>                    -->
<!--            13) Define Body Matter <body>                      -->
<!--            14) Define Back Matter <back>                      -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- TAG SET SPONSOR                                               -->
<!--             Digital Archive of Journal Articles               -->
<!--             National Center for Biotechnology Information     -->
<!--                (NCBI)                                         -->
<!--             National Library of Medicine (NLM)                -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED FOR:                                                  -->
<!--             Digital archives and publishers who wish to       -->
<!--             create a custom XML DTD for original markup of    -->
<!--             journal literature, books, and related material,  -->
<!--             or for archiving and transferring such material   -->
<!--             between archives.                                 -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             This DTD is in the public domain. An organization -->
<!--             that wishes to create its own DTD from the suite  -->
<!--             may do so without permission from NLM.            -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             The suite has been set up to be extended using a  -->
<!--             new DTD file and a new DTD-specific customization -->
<!--             module to redefine the many Parameter Entities.   -->
<!--             Do not modify the suite directly or redistribute  -->
<!--             modified versions of the suite.                   -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             In the interest of maintaining consistency and    -->
<!--             clarity for potential users, NLM requests:        -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             1. If you create a DTD from the Archiving and     -->
<!--                Interchange DTD Suite and intend to stay       -->
<!--                compatible with the suite, then please include -->
<!--                the following statement as a comment in all of -->
<!--                your DTD modules:                              -->
<!--                   "Created from, and fully compatible with,   -->
<!--                    the Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite."  -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             2. If you alter one or more modules of the suite, -->
<!--                then please rename your version and all its    -->
<!--                modules to avoid any confusion with the        -->
<!--                original suite. Also, please include the       -->
<!--                following statement as a comment in all your   -->
<!--                DTD modules:                                   -->
<!--                   "Based in part on, but not fully compatible -->
<!--                    with, the Archiving and Interchange DTD    --> 
<!--                    Suite."                                    -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ORIGINAL CREATION DATE:                                       -->
<!--             February 2003                                     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- CREATED BY: Jeff Beck       (NCBI)                            -->
<!--             B. Tommie Usdin (Mulberry Technologies, Inc.)     -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             The Journal Publishing DTD is built from the      -->
<!--             Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite.              -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!--             Suggestions for refinements and enhancements to   -->
<!--             this DTD should be sent in email to:              -->
<!--                 publishing-dtd@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    MODULES OF MODULES INVOKED                 -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!ENTITY % pmc-journalmattercustom
                        SYSTEM     "pmc-journalmattercustom.ent"     >

<!--                    MODULE TO NAME DTD-SPECIFIC MODULES        -->
<!--                    Names all DTD-specific external modules    -->
<!ENTITY % journalpubcustom-modules.ent 
"-//NLM//DTD Journal Publishing DTD-Specific Modules v3.0 20080202//EN"
"journalpubcustom-modules3.ent"                                      >

<!--                    MODULE TO NAME THE MODULES                 -->
<!--                    Declares all the external modules that are  
                        part of the modular Journal Archiving and 
                        Interchange DTD Suite library. Thus it does
                        NOT declare itself; the DTD-specific 
                        module-of-modules; or the DTD-specific class,
                        mix, or model over-ride modules. Those are
                        declared in the DTD-specific module of modules.
                           Since this module declares but does not
                        invoke modules, this DTD invokes any modules
                        it uses by referencing the external 
                        Parameter Entities defined in the Module of
                        Modules. To include a set of elements (such 
                        as all the lists or the MathML elements) this 
                        module defines the external Parameter Entity
                        for the module(s) that contains the MathML
                        declarations and the DTD references that 
                        entity.                                    -->
<!ENTITY % modules.ent  PUBLIC  
"-//NLM//DTD Archiving and Interchange DTD Suite Module of Modules v3.0 20080202//EN"
"modules3.ent"                                                       >

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    CUSTOMIZATION MODULES INVOKED              -->
<!--                    Note: These modules must be called after   -->
<!--                    all Module of Modules but before any other -->
<!--                    modules. Unlike any other grouping, order  -->
<!--                    of these modules matters.                  -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    Names the module that holds the DTD-specific
                        class definitions for the Journal Publishing
                        DTD that will over-ride classes in the Suite.
                        (Defined in %journalpubcustom-modules.ent;)-->

<!--                    DEFAULT ELEMENT CLASSES MODULE             -->
<!--                    Names the module that holds the standard
                        class definitions for the Journal Archiving
                        and Interchange DTD Suite.                 -->

<!--                    DTD-SPECIFIC MIX CUSTOMIZATIONS MODULE     -->
<!--                    Set up the Parameter Entities and element
                        class definitions that will be used to
                        over-ride some element mixes in this DTD.
                        (Defined in %journalpubcustom-modules.ent;)-->

<!--                    DEFAULT MIX CUSTOMIZATIONS MODULE          -->
<!--                    Names the module that holds the standard
                        mix definitions for the Journal Archiving
                        and Interchange DTD Suite.                 -->

                        MODULE                                     -->
<!--                    Names the module that holds the over-rides
                        of content models, attribute lists, elements
                        lists to be used in content models, and
                        attribute values. These are DTD-specific.
                        (Defined in %journalpubcustom-modules.ent;)-->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    COMMON (SHARED) ELEMENTS MODULE INVOKED    -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    COMMON (SHARED) DECLARATIONS               -->
<!--                    Declarations for elements, attributes, 
                        entities, and Notations that are shared by
                        more than one class module. Note: Must be 
                        called before any of the class modules.    -->


<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    JOURNAL ARTICLE CLASS ELEMENTS (alpha)     -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    ARTICLE METADATA ELEMENTS                  -->

<!--                    BACK MATTER ELEMENTS                       -->

<!--                    DISPLAY (GRAPHICAL) ELEMENTS               -->

<!--                    FORMATTING ELEMENT CLASSES                 -->
<!--                    Elements that change rendition/display.    -->

<!--                    FUNDING ELEMENTS                           -->
<!--                    Elements that describe the sponsorship or
                        open access                                -->

<!--                    JOURNAL METADATA ELEMENTS                  -->

<!--                    LINK CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->

<!--                    LIST CLASS ELEMENTS                        -->

<!--                    MATH ELEMENTS                              -->

<!--                    NLM CITATION ELEMENT                       -->

<!--                    PARAGRAPH-LEVEL ELEMENTS                   -->

<!--                    PHRASE-LEVEL ELEMENTS                      -->

                        CLASS ELEMENTS                             -->

<!--                    RELATED OBJECT ELEMENT                     -->
<!--                    Defines the <related-object> element to
                        describe a related object such as a
                        related book or a dataset.                 -->

<!--                    SECTION ELEMENTS                           -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    THE REST OF THE EXTERNAL MODULES INVOKED   -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    MATHML SETUP MODULE                        -->
<!--                    Invoke the MathML modules                  -->

<!--                    XHTML TABLE SETUP MODULE                   -->
<!--                    Set up the necessary Parameter Entity values
                        and then invoke XHTML (HTML 4.0) table 
                        module                                     -->

<!--                    SPECIAL CHARACTERS DECLARATIONS            -->
<!--                    Standard XML special character entities 
                        used in this DTD                           -->

<!--                    CUSTOM SPECIAL CHARACTERS DECLARATIONS     -->
<!--                    Custom special character entities created 
                        specifically for use in this DTD Suite     -->

<!--                    NOTATION DECLARATIONS MODULE               -->

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    BODY ELEMENTS                              -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->

<!--                    BODY MODEL                                 -->
<!--                    Content model for the Body (main textual
                        content) of a journal article.             -->
<!ENTITY % body-model   "(((%para-level;)*, (%sec-level;)*,
                          sig-block?))"                               > 

<!--                    BODY OF THE ARTICLE                        -->
<!--                    The main textual portion of the article that
                        conveys the content. 
                        Details at: 
<!ELEMENT  body         (%body-model;)                                 >

<!ELEMENT journalmatter        (journal-meta, issue-meta?, document-meta, body)  >
<!ATTLIST journalmatter
    journalmatter-type (issue | standing) #REQUIRED
    content-type (cover | edboard | info-for-authors | general-info 
                                     | publisher | other) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT issue-meta (%issue-meta-model;) >

<!ELEMENT document-meta (%document-meta-model;) >

<!ELEMENT document-title (#PCDATA | %emphasis.class; | %subsup.class;)* >

<!ELEMENT person-list (title?, person+) >
<!ATTLIST person-list
          person-list-type CDATA #IMPLIED >

<!ELEMENT person ((name | string-name | collab), degrees*, address*, aff*, role*, 
                                                               ext-link*, xref*) >

<!ELEMENT sec           (%sec-model;) >
<!ATTLIST  sec
             %sec-atts;                                              >

<!ELEMENT sec-meta     (%sec-meta-model;) >

<!ELEMENT document-subtitle    (#PCDATA | %emphasis.class; | %subsup.class;)*>

<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--  MODULE CUSTOM MODULES  (ENT)                                 -->
<!--                                                               -->
<!-- ============================================================= -->
<!--                    JOURNAL METADATA MODEL                     -->
<!--                    Content model for the journal metadata
    element <journal-meta>                     -->
<!ENTITY % journal-meta-model  
"(journal-id*, journal-title-group*, issn*, 
isbn*, publisher*)"                       >

<!ENTITY % issue-meta-model  
"(pub-date*, volume?, issue?, issue-id*, issue-title*,
issue-sponsor*)"                        >

<!--                    DOCUMENT METADATA MODEL                     -->
<!--                   Content model for the document 
    metadata element <document-meta>     -->

<!ENTITY % document-meta-model

"((document-title, document-subtitle?)?, contrib-group?, pub-date*, 
(((fpage, lpage?, page-range?) | elocation-id)?), self-uri*, permissions?)">

<!--                    CONTRIBUTOR GROUP MODEL                    -->
<!--                    Content model for the <contrib-group> 
    element                                    -->
<!ENTITY % contrib-group-model   
"(contrib+)"       > 

<!ENTITY % block-display.class
"address | alternatives | array | 
boxed-text | chem-struct-wrap | 
fig | fig-group | graphic | media | 
preformat | supplementary-material | 
table-wrap | table-wrap-group | person-list" 

<!--                    The model for a section that requires that a
    either <title> or a <label> (which in some 
    journals takes the place of a title) must be
    present. One or the other must be present
    for autogeneration of a Table of Contents or
    other navigation.                          -->
<!ENTITY % sec-model    "( label?, title?, (p | %block-display.class;)*,
sec* )"                >

Appendix IV – Sample Tagged Document

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE journalmatter PUBLIC "-//NCBI//PMC JOURNAL MATTER DTD v1.0 20120907//EN" "pmc-journalmatter.dtd">
<journalmatter journalmatter-type="issue" content-type="edboard">
            <journal-title>Indian Journal of Microbiology</journal-title>
            <journal-subtitle>The Official Publication of the Association of Microbiologists of
        <issn pub-type="ppub">0046-8991</issn>
        <issn pub-type="epub">0973-7715</issn>
        <document-title>Editorial Information</document-title>
            <copyright-statement>© 2010 Association of Microbiologists of
            <copyright-holder>Association of Microbiologists of India</copyright-holder>
            <person-list person-list-type="editor">
            <institution>Department of Zoology
            University of Delhi</institution>
            <addr-line>Delhi-110007,</addr-line> <country>India</country>
            <p>Correspondence related to publication, permission, and any other matters concerning
                IJM inclusing inquiries regarding the back volumes should be addressed to the
                Editor-in-Chief. </p>
            <person-list person-list-type="editor">
                <title>Executive Editors</title>
                        <institution>Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, CSIR</institution>
                        <addr-line>Dehli University, Mall Road, Dehli - 110 007</addr-line>
                       <institution>Department of Zoology, University of Dehli</institution>
                       <addr-line>Dehli - 110 007</addr-line>
             <person-list person-list-type="editor">         
                 <title>Associate Editor</title>
                        <institution>Microbial Genomics and Biotechnology Group</institution>
                        <institution>Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology</institution>
                        <addr-line>Mall Road, Dehli - 110007</addr-line>
             <person-list person-list-type="editor">
                         <addr-line>(NII, New Dehli)</addr-line>
                         <addr-line>(IISc, Bangalore)</addr-line>
             <person-list person-list-type="advisory-board">
                         <given-names>M. K.</given-names>
                         <institution>Department of Biotechnology</institution>
                         <addr-line>Block - 2, 7th Floor, C.G.O. Complex</addr-line>
                         <addr-line>Lodhi Road, New Dehli - 110 003</addr-line>
                         <institution>National Environmental Engineering Institute (NEERI)</institution>
                         <addr-line>Nagpur - 440 020 Sector 39-A</addr-line>



This refers to associations which may be affiliated with a journal but does not necessarily publish the journal.

This work is in the public domain and may be freely distributed and copied. However, it is requested that in any subsequent use of this work, the author be given appropriate acknowledgment.

The copyright holder grants the U.S. National Library of Medicine permission to archive and post a copy of this paper on the Journal Article Tag Suite Conference proceedings website.

Bookshelf ID: NBK100350